Land Art – Ellergronn

On September 1st, the artist collective Cueva unveiled its 8th exhibition, titled 'Land Art,' at Ellergronn. This exhibition provides a distinctive artistic journey, predominantly featuring wooden elements and a lively array of orange shades. What sets this exhibition apart is its location in the heart of nature, where the 32 artworks are seamlessly integrated into the surrounding landscape.

The requirement for the artists in this exhibition was to use the color orange, as it does not disturb the wildlife in the area. Over a course of approximately two kilometers, it transforms the forest into an open-air art gallery, evolving in harmony with the changing seasons.

'Land Art' will be on display until March 2, 2024, allowing visitors to witness this captivating transformation over time.

Spike’s installation turned out to be more complex and heavy than expected. Therefore, he wants to thank all those who helped out. Without their help, the actual piece wouldn't have been successfully hung up.

S Edouard
P Edouard and Raphael Gindt
I Stick and the Duo Kit Empire
K Edouard and Stick
E Stick

The last thanks go to Theid Johanns for his dedication, patience and the whole coordination.


Photos © Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette, Spike


No Church in the Wild


Florence & Spike